Island in Spain. With blue sea peeking through the trees below the house, the heat seemed bearable.

Such a different feel to beaches back home, here it felt like Peter might just be spotted fishing in the bay.

I loved the buildings, with their warm clay coloured stone. And the dusty fields, with trees that despite the ground had green leaves. And the shuttered narrow quiet streets that seemed to have no life, but if you walked slowly you could hear the sound of people, escaping the intense heat by shutting themselves up in their courtyards.

And at night..

Sitting on the still warm rock, in the dusk, I drew close to Him.
Sarah -
So happy to see a new post.
Thanks for taking me along on your journeys! The pictures are wonderful.
Continuing in prayer for you and your family,
Just a quick note to tell you I have been praying that you will find a church that preaches the gospel and where you will feel "at home". - Esther
Esther, can't tell you how much it touched my heart to read your comment just now! I have been away a lot but one thing that has been on my heart is to find a good church. Thank you so much, I am blown away at the faithfulness of God that he would prompt you to pray for something that has really been on my heart! He is good. How can I pray for you?
Sarah -
We have 6 children - ranging in ages from 22 to 36 - and one of our "little lambs" has really lost her way. God knows her name, but it would mean so much to know you are praying for her. Thank you for asking. I am thankful that we are all in the Father's hands and that we can trust Him to work all things together for our good. Psalm 25 verse 10 is one of my favorites and seems almost like the Old Testament Romans 8:28. God reminds me that "all the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth" not just "some" of them, but "all" - so I am trusting Him. It is a privilege to be able to pray for you and your family.
God's blessings on you, Sarah.
- Esther
Esther I will definitely be praying for your daughter. I have known personally how hard it is to watch the ones we love walk away down the wrong path but oh the joy when he brings them back. And He does, never doubt that! Much love.
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