The lavender scented stone house.

The hammock under the walnut tree, made the best swing replacement for a little girl who loves swinging of any kind.
The skies of Croatia, oh the skies. Such a beautiful blue.

On which the clouds arranged themselves differently everyday.

It was another world, where accordion music played from one of the houses in the tiny village and an old lady sat outside smiling with all her hard earned wrinkles at the children.

And where sweet sticky figs grew in abundance, not like the cursed fig tree of long ago. Thankfully.
Sarah -
Breath-taking pictures - I cannot look at them without thanking God! I am so thankful for the sensitive eye for beauty that He has given you. I have never tried a fresh fig - but am wondering if we can grow fig trees in NJ - hmmm. I will have to research this. We have a couple of apple trees, peach trees, cherry trees, and a plum tree - they are amazing when they are all in bloom. We are still in the process of learning how to care for them so the fruit doesn't drop off prematurely. The small amount of fruit that does ripen is delicious. I found Istria on the map I had never heard of it before - your photos have an Italian feel about them. Thank you for your prayers.
Praying for you,
We looked up fig trees in a garden catalog and they do grow well in our zone! They are also self-pollinating so we can order just one to give it a try - what fun! Praying for you, Sarah, and your family - especially continuing in the request that He leads to a church soon. In His Love, Esther
Oh you are in for a treat, fresh figs are delicious! How exciting. And another exciting thing, is that last week I tried a different church here and it was good, more like what I am used to back home. I am going to go back tomorrow. So thank you for your prayers, I think this one might just be the answer!
Sarah -
Hoping things are working out with a home church for you. Now I am praying that God will give you Christian friends to make you feel even more at home where you are living. Friends who will love and encourage you in your walk with God - and who you can love and encourage!! After an incredibly hot last few weeks of summer we are finally into real fall weather. We have ordered 8 cords of wood (wonderful exercise while stacking it!) and have started a fire in our woodstove - I love the smell and the warmth of burning logs. Praying for you and your family and trusting you all into God's care and keeping. Love, Esther
Hi Sarah -
Thinking of you today. We had a houseful (is that a word?) of family here for our Thanksgiving Day celebration . . . . chaotic and wonderful with 9 grandchildren, and 12 grownups all talking, laughing, and eating. Then three friends stopped by and added to our number. Good times. We are still waiting on Him concerning our daughter who is wandering away from Him and away from us. But we know she is in His care no matter where she goes. Thank you for praying for her and for us.
I know you are a musician from your blog and thought that you might be interested in hearing some of our son, Joe's, musical compositions. He does not read music, he has been trying to teach himself. But he loves to compose and says that he always seems to have music in his head - his website is www.starwarsfanworks.com/lionsmouth/music.html - maybe when you have a few minutes sometime you can visit his site.
I am praying for you and hoping you have found a church home where salvation through Christ alone is preached and the Bible is honored and revered as God's inerrant word.
Thankful to God for you -
praying for you and your family today especially with Christmas drawing near - Esther
Sarah -
Happy New Year! Praying for you.
God's blessings. - Esther
Esther..thank you for all your lovely comments. So nice to hear from you, I am so sporadic in posting here so feel blessed to have you still pop by. Thank you so much for all your prayers, I am really enjoying the church and have made some good friends. So God is so good. Had such a lovely white Christmas and New year, so different to what I am used to I really enjoyed it. Happy New year!
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