I got a special gift this morning. A little boy in my preschool music group came in with a wrapped homemade chocolate biscuit! He handed it to me with a smile and then when I thanked him he got all shy and hid behind his Mummy. Thank you Carlos! You made my day!
Sarah - I have been reading through your blog a little at a time. Your photos are beautiful and your words so simple and reverent. So glad you have been willing to share your life and thoughts. I am 58 and your encouragement to me in my Christian walk has been such a blessing. I am praying for you as you prepare to go to Germany - how are your family accepting your leaving? I am remembering them in prayer also. What a joy you must be to your family! God's best to you as your live for Him. - Esther from NJ in the States
Esther, thank you so very much for your lovely comment. I am so very blessed that you have enjoyed reading my blog and that you would pray for me as well! My family are excited for me but I think it will take a bit of adjusting. May God bless you.
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